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Kultuuraand 2022 - Ons talentvolle leerders

Writer: Hoërskool Vredenburg Hoërskool Vredenburg

During the last stretch of the 4th term Ms Lo-Ami Basson bravely decided to do one final event for VHS. A last hoorah for 2022, you can call it.

Her vision was an evening to give our learners the opportunity to interact and socialize with each other, to let them participate in various extra-curricular activities to showcase their talent and passion for their hobbies.

And what a showcase it was!

The Greek philosopher Aristotle famously said: “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” And that is exactly what the participants of the culture evening did. They showed the importance of their art, the dedication and perseverance it takes to hone one’s talent, not only in our school, but in society at large.

Die gehoor kon net terugsit en die talente van ons leerders geniet en waardeer. Van dans, ballet, klavier, tjello en sang tot voordrag en monoloë. Die gehalte was uitstaande!

Wat egter die meeste uitgestaan het die aand, was die leerders se bereidwilligheid om op die verhoog, voor ‘n vol saal, op te tree. Daar was spanning, trane, adrenalien wat gepomp het… maar op die ou end was die grootste emosie trots. Trots op hul kuns, en trots op hulself.

Daar was dalk nie baie tyd vir oefen en voorbereiding, maar ons kinders het gekom en hulle beste gegee, en meer as dit kan niemand vra nie.

Thank you to every participant in the culture evening. You truly blew us away with your talent and we are so very proud of you. We can’t even begin to describe all the feels you gave us!

Ons sien daarna uit om meer van julle talente op die verhoog, en in die wêreld daar buite te sien!



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