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Matriek prysuitdeling 2021

Writer: Hoërskool Vredenburg Hoërskool Vredenburg

Updated: Dec 13, 2022

M. van der Walt

She receives several awards for her academic achievements. Leadership: She was part of the Representing Council of Learners of 2021. In sport she was a member of the school swimming team. She was part of the team that went to the West Coast Athletics meeting, and she played in the third Netball team. In the cultural field she was member of the school choir; She was a leading member of the Teams for Christ movement; she took part in several olimpiads in different subjects and she was the Editor of the school paper, The Bokkompie. She competed in several Eisteddfods: In the Western Cape Virtual Eisteddfod, she won two silver awards in music for piano and guitar. In the West Boland Eisteddfod she was awarded with three cum laude awards for piano solos and an overall cum laude award for her concert performances. She also received a cum laude award for guitar. The "Silwer Valke" Floating Trophy for the Dux learner – Versitality, in other words the grade 12 learner who performed well in several different aspects, is awarded to her. She receives subject prizes for: English Home Language; Mathematics; Accounting; Life Orientation* and Life Sciences and Physical Sciences . The Fourie, Oberg and De Bruyn award for the best achievement in Accounting and Mathematics is awarded to her. The Gerrit Agenbag Floating Trophy for the best achievement in Mathematics is awarded to her. With an average percentage of 90,1% she holds the first grade position in Grade 12. She receives a voucher from De Jagers Outfitters. Therefore, Honorary colours in Academics in grade 12 are awarded to her. For these academic achievements and dedication, the Pontie Houpt Shield, The Dux - Academics is awarded to her.

T. Abrahams

He received a Cum Laude in Advanced Art at the West Boland Eisteddfod.

He receives subject prizes for Physical Sciences; Afrikaans First Additional Language ; Mathematics; English Home Language and Accounting.

The Gerhard Schoonees Floating Trophy for the best achievement in Phisical Sciences in grade 12, is awarded to him.

He also receives the Femnet Floating Trophy for Life Sciences, for an average of 87,4% for all the terms from grade 10 to grade 12.

With an average of 86,6% he holds the second grade position in grade 12.

He receives a voucher from De Jagers Outfitters

For these achievements Honorary colours for Academics in gr 12 are awarded to him.

S. Wegener

She receives subject prizes for Mathematical Literacy; Business Studies Engineering, Graphics and Design and Afrikaans First Additional Language.

The Westarcor Engineering Award, a cash prize, for the gr 12 learner with exceptional dedication and persistance in Engineering, Graphics and Design is awarded to her.

With an average percentage of 81,6% She holds the third grade position in grade 12. She receives a voucher from De Jagers Outfitters.

Honorary colours: Academics for grade 12 are awarded to her for these achievements.

C. Wilson

He receives subject prizes for Afrikaans First Additional Language; Business Studies; Mathematics and Accounting.

He was part of the team that holds the first place in the West Coast School Chess League. He was also taken up in the honorary list of West Coast Chess.

For these achievements he is awarded Honorary colours for Chess

He receives the VHS award for the best achievement in two commercial subjects, Accounting and Business Studies.

Academic Half-Honorary colours for grade 12 are awarded to him

J. du Preez:

Sy woon verskeie kursusse en programme by vir jeugleiers en as hoofdogter van 2021 ontvang sy 'n dagboek- geskenkpak, geskenk deur Waltons.

Die hoofdogter ontvang ook 'n boekbewys vir uitsonderlike leierskap, geskenk deur die Weskus Dinamiese Dames-organisasie.

Sy ontvang vakpryse vir Afrikaans Huistaal; Geskiedenis en Geografie, asook vir Engels Eerste Addisionele Taal en Lewenswetenskap.

Die Afrikaans Wisseltrofee word aan haar toegeken vir die gr 12-leerder met die hoogste gemiddelde punt in Afrikaans Huistaal.

Die D&M Von Zeuner wisseltrofee vir die beste prestasie in Geskiedenis OF Geografie word aan haar toegeken, met die verskil dat sy in albei hierdie vakke die hoogste punte behaal het.

Vir hierdie akademiese prestasies word Akademiese Half-erekleure vir graad 12 aan haar toegeken.

Sy verwerf goue sertifikate by die Wes- Bolands Eisteddfod in Afrikaanse en Engelse Voordrag.

Sy neem aan verskeie skilderkuns kompetisies deel, waar sy verskeie toekennings verwerf.

In die FAK Internasionale Afrikaanse Ekspo verwerf sy 85% in die kategorie vir skilderkuns.

In die Open Art Festival 2021 word haar kunswerk gekeur vir 'n virtuele uitstalling in Europa.

Vir hierdie uitsonderlike prestasies word die Ernst Hugo Wisseltrofee vir die beste Kultuurprestasie deur 'n gr 12 leerder aan haar toegeken.



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