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Writer: Hoërskool Vredenburg Hoërskool Vredenburg

Congratulations to all our top achievers of 2023.`n Spesiale dankie aan Waltons en De Jagers Uitruster wat pryse geskenk het vir ons presteerders.

Gr 11: Top 3 (2023)

Vlnr: Chelsea Collair (1st); Grinea Griffiths (2nd); Sonet de Jager (3rd)

Gr 10: Top 3 (2023)

Vlnr: Matson Taylor (3rd); Shaneal Kuilders (2nd); Nazzli Clarke (1st)

Gr 9: Top 3 (2023)

Inaminkosi Gola (shared 3rd); Milani Songelwa (shared 3rd); Katlo Koikanyang (2nd); Kristi Coetzee (1st)

Gr 8: Top 3 (2023)

fltr: Charmeeqa Engelbrecht (3rd); Jordan Boys (1st); Chisom Shoniwa (2nd)

Carlin-Ann Cleophas

Netbal wisseltrofee vir die Beste Junior Netbalspeelster.

Elrick Appollis

He is selected for the Boland U/18C Hockey team.

For this achievement he receives the VHS Floating Trophy as the Best Senior Hockey Player of the year.

Matson Taylor

Gerhard Schoonees Floating Trophy for the Grade 10 learner with the highest average in Physical Sciences.

Chelsea Collair

Subject prizes: Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal, English Home Language, Mathematics*, Life Orientation, Physical Sciences*, Computer Application Technology* and Engineering Graphics and Design.

She receives a Merit Prize for her Science essay in the ‘Indigenous Knowledge’ category from the Royal Society of South Africa. The marker of the essay noted: “Good South African context and solid legal background, mature and logically developed argument, comprehensive coverage.

She also receives a Silver certificate for English Home Language Literature at the West-Boland Eisteddfod.

She participated in the annual Eskom Expo for Young Scientists’ regional competition. For her project “Waving goodbye to non-renewable energy” she received a gold medal.

For this achievement Half Honoury Colours for Expo is awarded to her.

She receives the Gerhard Schoonees Floating Trophy for the Grade 11 learner with the highest average in Physical Sciences.

With an average percentage of 84,1% she holds the first grade position. She receives a voucher from De Jagers Outfitters for this achievement.

Academic Honorary colours is awarded to her for these achievements.

Thiedu du Preez

Vakprys vir Wiskunde.

‘n Sertifikaat vir drie jaar getroue diens in die boekstoor word aan hom toegeken.

Hy ontvang ook die Daantjie le Roux Wisseltrofee as die Beste Golfspeler vir die jaar.

Eskom Expo vir Jong Wetenskaplikes: ontvang Goud by die Streekskompetisie en dring deur na die Internasionale rondte. Hier ontvang hy ook ‘n Goue medalje vir sy projek “Seal to Heal” en word hy aangewys as algehele wenner in die kategorie “Biomedical and Medical Sciences”. Hy ontvang dus ‘n Eskom Expo wisseltrofee. Hy word ook gevra om sy projek verder uit te brei sodat hy in 2024 in die Buiteland kan meeding.

Vir hierdie prestasies word Erekleure vir Ekspo aan hom toegeken.

National Eisteddfod of South Africa se Young Artist Award Competition: Hy ontvang ‘n Goue sertifikaat en word hy as kategorie wenner in die Senior Kreatiewe Kuns afdeling aangewys.

Die Ansie Laubscher wisseltrofee vir die Beste kultuurprestasie deur enige leerder word aan hom toegeken en hy ontvang Erekleure vir Kuns.

Angelo Julius

Hy ontvang ‘n sertifikaat vir die drie rolle wat hy vertolk het in die Annie musiekblyspel en die Waltons Wisseltrofee vir ‘n uitsonderlike Kultuurprestasie deur ‘n leerder word aan hom toegeken.

Tashnique Jones

She receives the VHS floating trophy for the Best girl’s athlete.



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